• Art of Death,  Blog,  Bonds of Death,  Lychgate,  Novels,  Reins of Death

    Just One More Bite

    Have you ever been so full at the end of dinner that you thought you were going to explode, but then they gave you the dessert menu and you realized they had tiramisu? And I mean the good tiramisu, with properly soaked ladyfingers that ooze espresso into your mouth? That was me signing my Lychgate contracts, ambitiously fitting my new novel series into a work schedule that was already filled to the brim. I was going to do it. I was determined to do it! Yes, I was already full, but I would eat every last ladyfinger, I would enjoy every bite, and I would not puke in the car…

  • Art of Death,  Blog,  Excerpt,  Lychgate,  Novels

    Art of Death Paperback Preorders and Excerpt!

    Art of Death - Lychgate: Book 1

    At long last, paperback preorders are up for Art of Death! I’m so excited, since I know a lot of you guys were waiting specifically for the paperbacks. [Preorder: Amazon][Preorder: Barnes and Noble][Preorder: DSP Publications] To celebrate, I’m also sharing my first excerpt! This is the moment when the two leads, Riley and Westwood, first cross paths during Riley’s lunch break. Hope you enjoy! Absorbed in the pixelated screen before him, he didn’t notice a man taking a seat at the other side of the table until he cleared his throat. Riley raised his head and jumped back in shock. The guy looked to be in his midthirties, richly tanned,…